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Incoronazione della Vergine

Incoronazione della Vergine

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Artist: Antonio Veneziano
Year: 1370 circa
Current location: Sant'Agostino
Original location: Sant'Agostino


Beautiful fresco re-emerged thanks to recent restorations carried out at the expense of the local Mercy.


Its location, behind the first baroque altar on the left when entering, did not allow the entire work to be recovered, but what emerged is so beautiful that it deserves a special visit.


The attribution of the painting to a painter of whom it was not known he had operated on site was a real surprise.


Previously, Antinio Veneziano's activity was known, only inside the Siena Cathedral.


This shows once again, how strong the economic and artistic link between the city and Asciano was at that time.

Incoronazione della Vergine